Friday, March 8, 2013


For all the "parents-to-be" I thought I would just give you a preview of what life REALLY looks like with an infant on a daily basis.

I post a lot of cute, fun, and sweet pictures of our little man because he is cute, fun, and sweet.  I'm a proud momma and I love showing him off.  However, let's be real for a minute.  Babies cry.  Babies cry A LOT.  It is how they communicate and they aren't always happy all the time.  We see this.  Daily.

Alex cries when he is hungry, has a doozie of a diaper, wants to suck on something, is overly tired, or just simply bored.  If someone ever tells you that they have the best baby and their baby never cries they are LYING TO YOU.

I look at this picture and I laugh because even though clearly he isn't happy here he is still so freaking adorable.

So with all that said embrace the crying.  It is normal.  It means your baby is healthy.  It DOES NOT mean they don't like you.

That is all =)

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